
美国心脏协会沙巴足球体育平台,Michael Merschel报道

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(Tenny Teng/iStock via Getty Images)

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If you're worried about how much time you spend staring at screens but can't imagine life without them, don't worry – nobody is saying you need to switch to a rotary phone or transistor radio.

"Social media 和 electronic devices are not inherently good or bad," said Dr. Jason Nagata, an associate professor of pediatrics at the University of California, San Francisco. “他们确实有一些健康风险. 它们也有很多好处. 总的来说,我们希望人们优化这些益处,并将风险降到最低."

有利的一面是,这些设备可以促进社会联系. 安德里亚·格雷厄姆, an assistant professor of medical social sciences 和 preventive medicine at Northwestern University's Feinberg School of Medicine in Chicago. “社会支持对我们的情绪非常重要,”她说.

But the burst of brain chemicals we get from a positive interaction on social media can make it hard to step back, 经营着说. 即使是更被动的屏幕沙巴足球体育平台也会对健康产生影响.

永田领导了 研究, 发表在12月的《沙巴足球体育平台》上, showing that every additional hour of TV viewing at age 23 was associated with higher levels of obesity, 25年后高血压和胆固醇异常. 他的另一项研究将屏幕的使用与 暴食行为障碍睡眠问题 在年轻人中.

Sleep problems 和 other mental health issues also have been linked to adults' screen time.

不管是哪种形式,美国人都经常使用屏幕. A 皮尤研究中心报告 1月份发布的一份报告发现,41%的美国人在网上购物.S. 成年人称自己“几乎一直在上网”.在18岁至29岁的人群中,62%的人这么说. 观众研究公司尼尔森表示,成年人平均花费近200万美元 每天五小时 2022年看电视, while consumer research company GWI said working-age internet users spent nearly seven hours a day using the internet.



对于一些, 完全拔掉电子设备可能没问题, 格雷厄姆说, co-director of Northwestern's Center for Behavioral Intervention Technologies. “但这对大多数人来说可能是不现实的."

许多人在刚开始尝试养成更健康的习惯时都过于热心, 格雷厄姆说, 一位研究如何通过应用程序支持心理健康的心理学家. If you can go cold turkey, that's fabulous, she said, "but most people need a more gradual approach."

因此,她建议,要“注意并有策略地”考虑自己上网的原因. 你可能已经开始使用社交媒体来放松, 但问问你自己:它真的那么放松吗?

一旦你评估了你从屏幕上真正得到了什么, 排除那些没有积极影响的事情.

A 2023年的研究 published in Psychology of Popular Media showed potential benefits from even a brief, 部分回落. College students who limited their social media use to an hour a day for three weeks reported feeling better about their self-image 和 weight than students who made no changes.


When unplugging, you have created time for something that creates joy, 格雷厄姆说.

这可能是促进健康的运动或减轻压力的冥想. It could even give you more time to meet with friends instead of just commenting on them, she said.


格雷厄姆说,密切关注屏幕沙巴足球体育平台会有所帮助. 大多数智能手机和平板电脑都有内置的工具.

Other experts recommend putting your phone in grayscale mode to make notifications less distracting (和 those endless video streams less compelling).


Nagata说,如果你是家长,你需要树立正确的屏幕行为榜样. "One of the biggest predictors of childhood screen use is actually their parents' screen use."

Each family's approach will differ, he said, based on factors such as a child's age. 的 美国儿科学会 recommends that children younger than 18 months not use digital media except for video chatting, 18到24个月大的孩子应该只看“高质量”的材料, 而且只和父母在一起. For children ages 2 to 5, screen time should be limited to one hour a day, the AAP says.

For older children, it suggests no screens during meals or an hour before bedtime. Nagata去年领导的一项研究发表在 睡眠健康 这显示了多种屏幕沙巴足球体育平台流电影, 玩电子游戏, talking or texting on the phone 和 more – were associated with sleep issues in early adolescents.

对成年人没有规定的限制. But if you expect your children to ignore texts 和 alerts during dinner or family activities, 你也需要这样做, 经营着说. “如果你作为一个家庭决定了某些规则, 父母也要遵守这些规则,这一点非常重要."


Working together as a family probably accomplishes more than software that sets hard limits, 经营着说.

“通常情况下,孩子们比成年人更懂技术,”他说. "And even if you try to put in parental controls, there are ways that they can get around them."

Families might set up screen-free zones – including in bathrooms 和 bedrooms. “尤其是对青少年来说, 如果你想监控他们在看什么内容, 让他们在公共场所使用屏幕吗,永田说.

美国儿科学会鼓励家庭共同制定媒体计划,并有一个 工具 在它的网站上建了一个.

经营着说 that open discussions now can set younger kids up to make healthy choices later. 毕竟,“你不可能永远监督他们."


在你采取措施减少看屏幕的沙巴足球体育平台之后, 要意识到变化是如何影响你的, 格雷厄姆说. If you feel less anxious or find yourself sleeping better or exercising more, “庆祝它, 保持积极的变化."


记住,“并非所有的屏幕沙巴足球体育平台都是不好的,”永田说. 与住在外地的祖父母视频聊天可以增进家庭关系. "If there's a movie that you really want to watch, the family can do it together. 然后,你们可以就此展开对话."

When it comes to finding a healthy balance, find what works best for your situation. "的re is not a one-size-fits-all solution for any individual or even any family," he said.


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